Posts by pmlawyers
Fishing License
FISHING LICENSE You may think that fishing in New York State is as easy as grabbing your rod and tackle box, heading to your favorite waterway, waiting for the nibble and landing that prize catch. Well, that’s part of it. But before you even think about tuning up your gear, you need to check in…
Read MoreRoad Rage
ROAD RAGE With any discussion of Road Rage, there is a lot to unpack. Unfortunately there is probably only one thing that will get through to anyone who caves in to Road Rage, and in the process jeopardizes their safety and the safety of others on the open road. And that is the potential loss…
Read MoreBuyer Beware
BUYER BEWARE According to Cornell Law School, the words Caveat Emptor “are Latin for ‘let the buyer beware.’…A doctrine that often places on buyers the burden to reasonably examine property before purchase and take responsibility for its condition…Especially applicable to items that are not covered under a strict warranty.” These two simple words, be they…
Read MoreDo I Need A Will?
DO I NEED A WILL? The value of a possession is relative. “The simple answer is, you should have a will,” said attorney Jeffrey Millman, of the Phillips & Millman law firm. According to the American Bar Association, if someone dies without a will, their property will be distributed according to state law. “…Typically the…
Read MoreKeep Your Mouth Shut
KEEP YOUR MOUTH SHUT When it comes to run-ins with the law, court appearances, motor vehicle accidents and personal injuries, there are four simple words to keep in mind: Keep Your Mouth Shut. What you say can be misinterpreted and used against you. Doing something as simple as saying, “I’m sorry” at the scene of…
Read MoreDrivers License Points
DRIVERS LICENSE POINTS Accumulating points is usually a good thing. Take for instance a backyard volleyball game at a summer barbecue. Whoever scores the most points wins and can brag as loudly as they like, much to the chagrin of everyone else, for the rest of the barbecue. There is one glaring instance, however, where…
Read MoreCar Maintenace
CAR MAINTENANCE Not everyone can replace ball bearings on the wheel of a car, install a new headlight or change spark plugs. But there are some basic automotive maintenance tasks that Bridgestone Tire recommends completing on a regular basis “to maximize the life and performance of your vehicle.” According to the law firm of Phillips…
DWI As laid out by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, the costs associated with drunk driving are broad and staggering. “Every day, about 28 people in the United States die in drunk-driving crashes—that’s one person every 52 minutes. In 2019, these deaths reached the lowest percentage since 1982, when NHTSA started reporting alcohol data—but…
Read MoreWorkers Comp Retaliation
WORKERS COMP RETALIATION It’s bad enough suffering an injury on the job that’s so serious you need to file a workers’ compensation claim. Just imagine how disturbing it would be to file the claim, then suffer retaliation from your employer because you filed the claim. According to the the New York City Bar Association: “Retaliation…
Read MoreTraumatic Brain Injuries
TRAUMATIC BRAIN INJURIES The website operated by the National Football League on Aug. 29, 2013 reported that the professional sports collective had reached a tentative $765 million settlement, regarding concussion-related brain injuries, among its 18,000 retired players. The NFL agreed to compensate victims, pay for medical exams and underwrite research. “More than 4,500 former athletes—some…
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